Dr. Ayiesha Malik, General Practioner
I am a GP and am currently working in the NHS and private sector. Medicine is very good at recognising and treating acute infections with antibiotics, but when it comes to chronic problems- the options that modern medicine offers often do no help address the underlying problem and the pharmaceuticals can often exacerbate the problem.
Many medications used add to the burden of chronic disease.​
Symptoms & Case Studies
Back Pain
Aching joints
Knee Pain
Shoulder pain
Chronic pain has been shown to be linked to emotions. Depression can cause chronic pain and chronic pain can exacerbate depression. People may think their pain is due to structural deformities and findings of degeneration on scans- which is often an incidental finding and pay less attention to muscle tension caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system. Pain often causes anxiety as people worry about damage movement causes their body and in turn the anxiety can make the pain worse. Recognising the chronic pain cycle, and using tools such as acceptance and working through emotions, can help people manage their pain and live a more productive life.
The Pain Cycle
Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Stress, Brain Fog
Mental wellbeing is absolutely crucial to good health. Many of us lead stressful and busy lives and do little to look after our mental heath. Ignoring and surprising our problems and emotions can lead to psychosomatic symptoms. Depression occurs when we ruminate about the past and feel sad about things that have happened. Anxiety occurs when we worry about the future. Both depression and anxiety affect how present we are on a day-to-day level with our jobs, families, or other things we value. Emotions can affect our cognitive health and cause brain fog. Mental and cognitive health can also be affected by our diet and lifestyles.
Certifications & Board Memberships